Photography is the way we communicate with our environment
Hi, we’re Berlin based wedding photographers Susann and Yannic. We have been in love with each other for over ten years, traveling life’s highways and byways together. We share joy, love, happiness and even sorrow, experience adventures, laugh and cry together. For us photography is like writing a journal that projects thoughts, feelings and longings out into the world. Imaginary words, caught in pictures, black and white and as grainy as poppy seeds on sugar icing. That’s how we found each other. That’s how we came to fall in love. Our photos have helped us learn more about each other than words could ever have done. For us, photography is still the most important means of expression there is. It’s photography that helps us to get in touch with other people. It opens doors and turns strangers into friends.
We get the same thrill from our other greatest passion: cooking. Check out our food blog “Krautkopf” to see what we’re up to. Seasonal plant based recipes with ingredients from our region that brings people together. We share our recipes on our blog, have written our own cook book, designed a recipe app and enjoy inviting people along to events and private dinners.
The inspiration for all of this – our photographs and recipes – comes from all over that great big world out there. We love discovering new countries, different cultures and new people. Breathing in the air of another continent, our arms entwined. That’s what life means for us; that’s what makes us happy.

We love raw nature
Fields of fog, the tumultuous ocean, the smell of pinewood forest. Standing on a mountain summit, breathing in the cold, clear air, seeing the clouds rushing by above us, and realizing just how small and insignificant we are.